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Crisis situations in personal finances

Description of assignment

  • The assignment is suitable for groups of 3-4 pupils. The group needs a sheet of A3 paper as a tool. The assignment is specifically intended to be implemented in connection with the 'payment defaults’ theme, but the welfare state support network can also be taken as a perspective.
  • OPS content and target areas: Life management and coping in everyday life, promoting well-being (S1), reflecting on the importance and consequences of one's own financial choices (T2), responsible consumption (T8) Adopting the knowledge and skills needed in society and societal understanding.
  • Time estimate is one lesson.

Read the page Crisis situations in personal finances on the web service.

Work in groups:

1. First, consider and discuss situations that may pose temporary challenges to your own finances. What are the various reasons for having problems with money? Also consider together how financial difficulties affects in an individual's life. 

2. Draw the five-step staircase on the paper. At the bottom of the stairs, draw a young adult who has ended up in financial difficulties. What is the person's story and situation? Think up a realistic life story for the person.  

3. Write a practical instruction on each step to help the person resolve their situation. 

4. Draw your example person on the top step in a situation where their financial difficulties have been resolved. Consider and write down how the person's life has changed after the financial difficulties have been resolved! 

5. Finally, each group will present their example person and the advices they gave it to them. 

Updated: 17/8/2022