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What to do?


To get the best help for your situation, first answer the questions on the Preliminary questions page.


Search for jobs in many ways

Use different methods in looking for a job. Do not leave your job search solely for applying to vacancies, but make use of your previous contacts. Also ask employers, who have not announced vacancies at the moment, directly about the vacancies.

If you use social media, use it to help:

  • In LinkedIn, you can set up your profile to indicate that you are looking for a job.
  • In social media services, tell your followers or contacts that you are looking for a job in a specific field.
  • An employer who is interested in you may look through your social media profiles. Think about what they look like in their eyes.

Job search tips online:

Updated: 23/2/2024

Get help finding a job

The TE Office or municipal employment services provide you with individual help in job-seeking. 

  • If you have just become unemployed, you can have an initial interview within five working days of registering as unemployed. After that, you will meet a TE Office or municipal official every fortnight for the first three months of your job search.
  • If you are unemployed for more than six months, the services you will need in your situation will be agreed upon again.
  • If you are unemployed for more than a year, you can get special services to support your employment. Read more in the Supporting employment section.

The TE Office and municipal employment services may guide you to meet different experts and participate in coaching, events or other services:

  • Job search training helps to get started with the job search. 
  • Job coaching helps with, for example, writing a job application.

If you are a member of a trade union, ask the union whether it offers its members job search training.

Find out if the local association for the unemployed offers job search training. 

Associations of the unemployed in different parts of Finland (in Finnish) - Työttömät.fiOpens in a new window. 

Updated: 2/5/2022

Seize job offers and opportunities

TE Offices and municipal experts will provide you with job offers, i.e. notifications of suitable jobs. Follow the instructions of the TE Office or municipality.

Job Offer - TE-palvelut.fiOpens in a new window.  

Also apply for and accept short employment relationships. Even a short employment relationship may continue or result in good contacts. The most commonly used way for employers to get new employees is to contact former employees, so a short employment relationship can help you in the future when you are looking for a job.

Updated: 26/4/2022

Apply for reimbursement of job search costs

If you are an unemployed jobseeker and are invited to a job interview or aptitude test, apply to the TE Office for reimbursement of travel and accommodation expenses for the costs related to the job interview. You can apply for compensation if you travel to a job interview within Finland or to another EU/EEA country. 

Apply for the reimbursement from a TE Office within a month since the end of the trip. You can also receive compensation in advance in full or in part.

Reimbursements of travel and accommodation expenses caused by job seeking 

Updated: 26/4/2022

Apply for support for the costs of accepting work

You can apply for financial support for costs when you receive work. 

Apply for commuting and relocation allowance for the journeys to work for an employment relationship with the duration of more than two months:

  • If you are a member of an unemployment fund, apply for a mobility allowance from your unemployment fund. 
  • If you are not a member of an unemployment fund, apply for a commuting and relocation allowance from Kela. 

You can receive assistance when your daily commute is

  • in full-time employment over three hours
  • in part-time employment over two hours. 

A commuting and relocation allowance can be paid when you move to a different location for employment. 

Before your work begins, find out from the unemployment fund or Kela your right to a mobility allowance. Apply for the allowance within three months since the beginning of your employment relationship.

Kela's commuting and relocation allowance – Kela.fiOpens in a new window.

Mobility allowance of the Federation of Unemployment Funds in Finland (in Finnish)Opens in a new window. 

If you have to rent an apartment from a place other than your permanent place of residence for work, fill in the details of this in your tax return. 

Work housing deduction (in Finnish) – Vero.fiOpens in a new window. 

Updated: 26/2/2024

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