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Personal data and handling of this data

Personal data can include any data from which it can be determined that the data applies to a certain individual, the person's family or those living in the same household as the person. Personal identity code is a means of identification that is more specific than a name.

Handling of personal data refers to all measures that apply to personal data, such as the collection, disclosure, saving, altering, combining or destruction of this data.

The national Population Information System contains basic information about Finnish citizens and foreign citizens residing permanently in Finland.

See contents related to the topic:

Personal identity code

The personal identity code is a means of identification that is more specific than a name.

Handling and disclosure of personal data

Handling of personal data refers to all measures that apply to personal data such as the collection, disclosure, altering or destruction of this data.

Non-disclosure of personal information

You have the right to prohibit the controller of the personal data register from disclosing personal or other information on you.