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In Finland voters elect the president and members to municipal and wellbeing services counties' councils, the parliament and the European Parliament in general elections. All people who meet the statutory requirements are entitled to vote.

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Voting in municipal elections

You have the right to vote in municipal elections if you are a resident of the municipality and reach the age of 18 by the election day.

Voting in county elections

Members and deputy members of county councils will be elected in county elections.

Voting in parliamentary elections

You have the right to vote in the parliamentary elections if you are a Finnish citizen and have reached the age of 18 by the election day.

Voting in the presidential election

You have the right to vote in the presidential election if you are a Finnish citizen and have reached the age of 18 by the election day.

Voting in the European Parliamentary elections

Finnish citizens and citizens of other EU countries have the right to vote in European Parliamentary elections in Finland if they live in Finland.