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How to find help?

Alcohol, drugs and gambling

To get the best help for your situation, first answer the questions on the Preliminary questions page.

Help and treatment possibilities

Determine your options

There is no need to manage on your own. You have the right to help and support. Try different options and you'll know what helps you best.

Updated: 19/1/2023

How can I stop drinking?

It is possible to reduce or stop drinking. 

Many people have succeeded in stopping, for example as follows: 

  • spontaneously, i.e. without external assistance,
  • with the aid of peer support groups,
  • with professional help, or
  • with different combinations of professional help and peer support.

However, there is not a single way that is guaranteed to work for everyone. Try different options to find the one that's right for you.

Change is not easy and fast for everyone: you may be facing learning new ways of everyday life and giving up old relationships or ways of spending time. However, support is available. It is essential that you want the change yourself.

Even if the recovery is already at a good pace, there may be a relapse to your old ways. Do not be discouraged by relapses. You can learn from them. When you believe in yourself despite your difficulties, the change is more likely to happen. You can use the Addictionlink Retkahdus workbook (in Finnish), for instance.Opens in a new window.

The change is often too heavy to make without support. Hence, seek help early. There are many forms of help and support available.

Updated: 19/1/2023

How can I stop using drugs and end substance abuse?

It is possible to stop using drugs. However, the change may be big and slow. Already finding a suitable treatment method may take time: for example, is medication assisted treatment needed or will counselling be enough?

Many people who have stopped using drugs have had to deal with their feelings, learn new ways of everyday life and give up old ways of thinking and relationships. 

Professional help is available to address difficult emotions. For example, mental health services in the wellbeing services county provide help in dealing with anxiety or traumatic issues. Various organisations also provide informal counselling in free form online or over the telephone.

In addition to substance abuse services, you can also get more extensive help for your life situation from the social welfare and health care services of your wellbeing services county. You can talk to professionals about housing, income or studies.

Updated: 19/1/2023

How can I stop gambling?

It is possible to reduce gambling and stop it completely.

The ways to recover depend on the situation. Someone may take control of their gambling by examining their gambling and its effects. Others, on the other hand, may have a long history of gambling, and it has already caused major problems. The most important thing is your own desire to recover.

When you are thinking about quitting, think about why you are gambling. What does gambling have to offer you? What does it take away from you? Ask yourself in what situations gambling is particularly tempting. If you notice that you are running away from your grievances by gambling, you should talk about them to your loved one or a professional.

The safest manner to recover is often to stop gambling completely. Stopping playing specific games or reducing gambling is more difficult and may prolong the process of solving the problem.

When you seek help, you can discuss your financial situation, relationships, everyday life or your health. You can also consider how you can find meaningful activities to replace gaming. 

 Read about recovering from problem gambling at (in Finnish)Opens in a new window..

Updated: 19/1/2023

Support and treatment options for substance abuse problems

Many types of help and treatment for substance abuse problems are available from organisations and wellbeing services counties. Try different forms of support and treatment to find the right one for you.

Updated: 19/1/2023

Support and treatment options for gambling problems

There is no one right way to deal with a gambling problem. Try different methods to find out what would best support your recovery.

According to the law, wellbeing services counties are responsible for providing treatment for gambling problems in Finland. Services related to gambling problems are part of mental health, substance abuse and addiction services. Wellbeing services counties will organise support and care independently, or they purchase the service in whole or in part from companies or organisations.

Organisations also provide peer support and counselling as well as organise supported programmes that people can participate in online. Often, you can also receive support anonymously.

If you are looking for help for other problems in addition to gambling, contact the social and health care service counselling services of your wellbeing services county. For financial problems, please contact the financial and debt advisory services of Legal Aid Offices and Takuusäätiö (Guarantee Foundation).

Treatment for gambling problems may consist of either outpatient care, which takes place at certain times, or 24-hour institutional care. They use several methods, such as different therapies.

Self-imposed bans, restrictions or prohibitions on admission to gambling facilities may also be used to deal with a gambling problem.

Updated: 19/1/2023

How to talk about an alcohol problem?

It is usually difficult for people to tell others about their problem with alcohol. Many people are deeply ashamed of their drinking. People may feel that their problem with alcohol is a personal failure, although there is no need to think so. 

Sometimes shame can make a person drink more. However, medicating the problem with alcohol will only exacerbate the situation and deepen the cycle of shame. 

Despite the shame, raise the problem with someone providing support or care. 

If you are afraid to talk about an alcohol problem, you can start by talking about it on the helpline or in the peer support group either face to face or online. 

In peer support groups, everyone else has experience of the harmful use of alcohol, and they will know how it feels.

You can bring up drinking on your own initiative

  • in occupational health care with a nurse or doctor
  • at a social welfare and health care centre with a nurse or doctor
  • at a social welfare and health care centre with a social advisor or social worker.

These professionals constantly meet people in the same situation in their work. You're not the only one thinking about it.

Updated: 19/1/2023

How to talk about a drug problem?

One way to stop the use of drugs is to talk about it, especially for the reasons behind it. Sometimes it can be difficult. Shame can lead people to use more drugs to escape unpleasant feelings.

If talking about your use of drugs is frightening, start by telling about it on the helpline or in the peer support group either face-to-face or online. In peer support groups, everyone has experience of the use of drugs, and it may be easier to talk about it.

You can talk about your use of drugs 

  • in occupational health care with nurses or doctors
  • at a social welfare and health care centre with a nurse or doctor
  • at a social welfare and health care centre with a social advisor or social worker. 

You can report the matter on your own initiative in connection with any visit. Professionals will direct you to the services that best help you.

Updated: 19/1/2023

How to talk about a gambling problem?

It is usually difficult for people to tell others about their gambling problem. Many people are ashamed of their gambling. However, it usually makes you feel better because secrecy can increase anxiety. In a conversation with another person, you can find support and strength to solve your problem.

The easiest way to address a gambling problem can be in a helpline or peer support groups that meet face-to-face or online. 

In peer support groups, others have experience of problematic gambling, and they will know how it feels.

You can talk about your gambling

  • in occupational health care with nurses or doctors
  • at a social welfare and health care centre with a nurse or doctor
  • at a social welfare and health care centre with a social advisor or social worker. 

These professionals meet other people in the same situation in their work. You are not alone with your worries.

Updated: 19/1/2023

Help with financial problems or debts

Gambling problems are often associated with financial problems. The financial situation may be immediately facilitated by determining how much debt there is and who the creditors are. Going through the invoices will clarify the situation and it will be easier to solve the problems.

Tips for settling debts on the Peluuri websiteOpens in a new window.. Peluuri's helpline also provides counselling on the situation.

On the If you are unable to pay your debts page, you will find advice and a checklist for your situation. 

Information on the management of financial problems and debts at (in Finnish)Opens in a new window.

Help is available for financial problems and debts. You can contact the financial and debt counselling of Legal Aid Offices or Takuusäätiö (Guarantee Foundation).

If you are an entrepreneur, you can find information about corporate payment difficulties on the Company’s financial difficulties and their prevention guide. 

It is important to avoid incurring additional debts in order to sort out your finances. To do this, you can impose a credit ban on yourself. 

One way to prevent further indebtedness is to allow a reliable person close to you to manage your finances temporarily. Please note, however, that the person close to you may not necessarily want such responsibility and has the right to refuse it. If you feel that you cannot take care of yourself or your finances, you can apply for a legal guardian.

How to apply for a guardian for yourself - DVVOpens in a new window.

Updated: 17/4/2023

Right to treatment for a substance abuse problem

Under the law, you have the right to receive treatment for a substance abuse problem. Your loved ones are also entitled to support.

Wellbeing services counties are responsible for organising substance abuse treatment in Finland. Wellbeing services counties will organise support and care independently, or they purchase the service in whole or in part from companies or organisations.

Pregnant women have the right to immediate substance abuse treatment. If you are pregnant, talk about it in social or health services.

Updated: 19/1/2023

Right to treatment for a gambling problem

Under the law, you have the right to receive treatment for a gambling problem. Your loved ones are also entitled to support. Wellbeing services counties are responsible for providing treatment for gambling problems in Finland.

Sometimes, access to treatment is delayed or other problems occur. Then you can take the matter further:

  • If you do not have access to treatment or there are problems with treatment, contact the Social Ombudsman of your wellbeing services county. 
  • If you are receiving treatment but feel that there are problems with it, please contact the Patient Ombudsman of the facility in question.
Updated: 19/1/2023

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