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Alcohol, drugs and gambling

Identifying the problem

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A pastime which was originally intended to be occasional may become constant and harmful without your noticing it. At the same time, understanding of what is reasonable may become blurred. First, find out what is meant by a problem.

Updated: 18/1/2023

When should I be concerned about alcohol consumption?

Many social situations involve alcohol and even heavy drinking has usually been considered acceptable in Finland. Therefore, alcohol consumption can become a problem even if you do not notice it yourself. Typically, people only become aware of their excessive drinking when others point it out.

Excessive alcohol consumption can affect health, work and relationships. People who drink excessively may also neglect their hobbies or give them up.

The spouse, children or colleagues may experience symptoms due to the drinking of another person. A person who consumes alcohol does not necessarily understand that a change in the behaviour of their loved ones is due to their drinking. People close to them may point out their drinking directly or make hints about it. The reactions of their immediate circle should be regarded as concern and an indication that the person’s drinking habits may need to change.

It may be difficult for people to admit to themselves and others that drinking has become a problem. If you feel you cannot manage your alcohol consumption, please seek help.

Updated: 18/1/2023

When should I be concerned about substance abuse?

Drug use often starts occasionally. Drugs may be used, for example, to party or relax.

Many people try drugs while drinking alcohol. In fact, people may start using drugs carelessly. In this case, they may not consider that drugs cause addiction and other harm.

The use of medicinal products may also become problematic gradually and accidentally. Gradually, the treatment of a health problem becomes, for instance, self-medication for anxiety. Eventually one can no longer manage without the medicine.

Drug use and medicinal products abuse may also aim to improve performance or make one's own condition more tolerable.

Drug use or abuse of medicinal products may ease the situation momentarily, but eventually the problems are likely to get worse. If drug use or the abuse of medicinal products also causes problems in your relationships, and your loved ones point this out, please take their concerns seriously.

If you detect any physical or psychological adverse effects, seek help early.

Updated: 31/1/2023

When should I be concerned about gambling?

Gambling is quite common in Finland. It is often perceived as a common everyday pleasure for the entire population. There may be many reasons for gambling. Many people manage to keep their gambling under control, but for some, it causes adverse effects. 

Anyone can experience problems with leisurely gambling which began as a harmless activity. Several factors that expose people to the problem have been identified. Some resort to gambling to escape a difficult life event, for instance when dealing with a divorce or unemployment. Mental health disorders, difficulties with concentration, genetic heritage or excessive alcohol consumption may also expose you to a gambling problem. 

Pay attention to your gambling if you think it takes too much time or money or if you notice other negative effects. Sometimes it also happens that someone close is worried about gambling before the person themself pays attention to the matter. If you feel you cannot keep gambling under control, please seek help. 

Updated: 18/1/2023

What does the problem use of alcohol mean?

There are hundreds of thousands of people in Finland whose alcohol consumption may be considered problematic.  

For these people, drinking involves

  • risky alcohol use 
  • harmful use of alcohol, or 
  • alcohol dependency. 

In other words, not all people who consume a lot of alcohol are alcohol-dependent, or alcoholics.

Updated: 3/1/2024

What does the problem use of drugs and medicinal products mean?

Drugs or intoxicants refer to psychoactive substances defined by law as illicit substances.

The recreational use of drugs refers to the occasional leisurely use of drugs, for instance when partying or for relaxing. Recreational users feel that the consequences of their drug use are mainly positive. However, recreational use also involves adverse effects and may result in mental or physical dependence.

Drug addiction refers to continuous and repeated, compulsive consumption of drugs or medicines. The physical and mental health of a drug addict is deteriorating, and they are unable to regulate the use of the substance. At the same time, the body becomes increasingly accustomed to the substance. Stopping the drug use will cause withdrawal symptoms.

More information:

Updated: 18/1/2023

What does a gambling problem mean?

Gambling refers to gaming with monetary profits or losses. Such games include slot machines, online gambling, lottery tickets, lottery games, betting and casino games. In gambling, few win, and many lose.

The majority of Finns have engaged in gambling during the past year. In proportion to the population, gambling is popular in Finland. There are also a lot of problems associated with gambling. 

Risk gambling refers to heavy gambling. There is a risk of developing a problem if your own gambling limits are often exceeded or if gambling makes life difficult in one way or another. 

Problematic gambling is gambling where the player spends too much money or time on gambling. Problematic gambling causes adverse effects and negatively affects the player or their loved ones.

Gambling addiction refers to a situation in which a person is unable to control their gambling and therefore neglects their basic needs and obligations. There is a diagnosis for gambling addiction. 

Problem gambling usually refers to problematic gambling or gambling addiction. Problematic gambling is not necessarily visible. It may lie in the background for long periods of time. Gambling is problematic when the player spends too much money or time on gambling.

Problematic gambling is not only a problem for the player. An estimated 800,000 loved ones of players are affected by problematic gambling in Finland.

Updated: 27/12/2023

What are the adverse effects of alcohol consumption?

Updated: 3/1/2024

What are the adverse effects of drug use?

The adverse effects of substance abuse are reflected in the user's physical health, mental health and relationships.

The health risks of different drugs are different. The substances affect the body and mind differently, so their effects are also different, as are long-term adverse effects. On the other hand, the same drug can affect different people in different ways. Cannabis also causes health hazards.

For more information on the risks associated with cannabis use, see Addictionlink (in Finnish).Opens in a new window.

The purity and strength of the substances vary. Because drugs are illegal, their contents are not controlled. At worst, they contain substances that are dangerous.

Drug use affects relationships: family and friendship relationships can be broken. Absences from work may increase. 

Drug use increases the risk of being victims of accidents or violence. Some drugs may also increase violent and unpredictable behaviour.

For more information on intoxicants and aggressiveness, see Addictionlink (in Finnish).Opens in a new window.

Continuous substance abuse may change brain function that make it difficult to stop. Occasional recreational use can also become harmful if the life situation is unpleasant or the mind is stressed. In that case, a recreational user may begin to self-medicate by taking drugs more often. The risk of addiction increases significantly.

For more information on the link between substance abuse and mental health, see Addictionlink.Opens in a new window.

Updated: 26/1/2023

What are the potential adverse effects of gambling?

Often the most visible disadvantage resulting from gambling is the impact on finances. If the money is spent mainly on gambling, there is little left to meet basic needs. In addition, if gambling is financed by a loan, debts are easily accumulated.

Excessive gambling may cause problems in family relations and friendships. A lot of time will be spent on gambling, and there may be no more interest in leisure activities or meeting friends. Gambling and spending money may cause disputes in relationships. On the other hand, hiding gambling may also undermine trust and cause anxiety. Those close to the player also often suffer and need support.

Problems may also arise in terms of health or mental health. Problem gambling may involve restlessness, depression, anxiety, self-destruction and a distortion of one’s self-image. Gambling may also cause difficulties sleeping, difficulties concentrating or stress symptoms, such as headaches or abdominal pain.

If a lot of time is spent on gambling, and the rhythm of the day is disrupted, this also affects coping with everyday life. This may be manifested as a neglect of basic needs or obligations.

A gambling problem may also lead to an increase in substance abuse.

Updated: 3/1/2024

Stories of problems with alcohol

People's stories about their own alcohol problem describe through experiences, what can make people drink and how to recover from the problem. You are not alone with your questions.

You can also write about your situation for yourself. For some, writing may be a therapeutic way of looking at their life and the reasons that led to the problem.

Read about the experiences of others or write yourself:

People's problems with alcohol and their recovery are also often reported in the media. Remember that the media may paint a straightforward, rosy image of recovery. The story may be limited to a certain perspective.

Please note that recovery means different things for different people depending on the goals or worldviews they have.

Updated: 26/1/2023

Stories of drug or medicine abuse

People's stories about their own experiences shed light on what makes people use drugs or abuse medicines and how to recover from the problem. You are not alone with your questions.

You can also write about your situation for yourself. For some, writing may be a therapeutic way of looking at their life and the reasons that led to the problem.

Read about the experiences of others or write yourself:

The media also occasionally reports on features such as the drug addiction of celebrities and their recovery. The stories are often limited to one perspective, which may give an overly straightforward idea of recovery. 

Please note that recovery means different things for different people depending on the goals or worldviews they have.

Updated: 26/1/2023

Stories of problem gambling

In their stories, people who have experienced a gambling problem tell what kind of challenges they have encountered and what kind of things they have found strength in. The stories also describe the experiences of loved ones. You are not alone with your questions.

You can also write about your situation for yourself. For some, writing may be a therapeutic way of looking at their life and the reasons that led to the problem.

Read personal experiences or write yourself:

Updated: 26/1/2023

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