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How to find help?

Alcohol, drugs and gambling

To get the best help for your situation, first answer the questions on the Preliminary questions page.

Well-being and functional capacity

Take care of yourself

Human health is an entity. Take care of both your mental and physical health.

Updated: 25/1/2023

Mental health and intoxicants

Excessive use of alcohol and drugs affects a person's mental health. For example, the harmful use of alcohol can cause depression and increase anxiety.

Some people experience mental health problems when drinking or using other intoxicants stops or is brought to a reasonable level. However, in addition to substance abuse, some people also have a mental health disorder that requires treatment of its own, even if the substance abuse has ended. Whatever the reason, getting help for mental health problems is a key part of rehabilitation.

You can read more about intoxicants and mental health disorders at Addictionlink.Opens in a new window.

Updated: 25/1/2023

Mental health and gambling

Gambling and mental health problems are often linked. Problematic gambling may affect mental health, but mental health problems may also lead to a gambling problem. 

A gambling problem involves various difficult feelings, such as guilt, anxiety and shame. They are also increased by the difficulties caused by gambling, for example in finances or in relationships. Problems may sometimes seem heavy or insurmountable, but you should not be left alone with them. Seeking help for mental health problems is an important part of the recovery from a gambling problem.

Information on gambling addiction - Mentalhub (in Finnish)Opens in a new window.

Updated: 25/1/2023

Help for taking care of your mental well-being

Anyone may need support for mental health challenges at some point in their lives. If you feel you need help, book an appointment at a social welfare and health care centre or occupational health care, and you can move on. 

In health care, it may be found that you would benefit from mental health rehabilitation. Information on mental health rehabilitation is available in Finnish on the website.Opens in a new window.

You can receive anonymous mental health counselling by telephone or online:

Updated: 25/1/2023

Help with taking care of your physical health

Support is available for taking care of physical health. Those in working life can use occupational health care, and the unemployed are entitled to a health examination provided by the wellbeing services county. In health examinations, you can measure blood glucose values, for example. 

Make an appointment with health care also if your health deteriorates. For example, you should also monitor your blood pressure yourself, even if you feel good. Take any unusual physical sensations seriously, especially if you are older. 

Updated: 25/1/2023

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