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News archive

You can browse old news in the news archive.

A trusted person may now be authorised by the assignor to use digital services on their behalf even if they do not have online banking codes

Published 6/10/2022

reviously, this required identification in e-Authorizations using, for example, online banking codes. Now the service will also be available

Are you about to start working or doing business in Finland? helps you find the right service at the right time

Published 6/9/2022

These guides offer the most important instructions easily in one place and direct you to the right service at the right time.

Ready-made materials for teachers in the Web Service – especially suitable for teaching social studies

Published 30/8/2022

The Web Service provides comprehensive instructions for different life events and for dealing with public administration. It is an excellent

Services for substance abuse and gambling problems from one place

Published 6/5/2022 is the address where you should start when you are looking for help in stopping substance abuse or gambling.

A change to online transactions for unemployed people – the new guide is here to help all unemployed people navigate the changes to unemployment services in Finland

Published 4/5/2022

The new guide for unemployed people is available on the Web Service and contains up-to-date information on the changes to employment services

Are you pondering questions of guardianship?

Published 15/2/2022

In this guide, you can find answers to such questions as what is meant by guardianship, when is a guardian needed and what is meant by continuing powe

Error in sending an online form in Messages service has been fixed

Published 28/1/2022

The Messages service had a problem with sending online forms between 26.1.2022 at 1 pm and 28.1.2022 at 3:30 pm. The error has now been fixed

You may receive invoices in your Messages inbox – make sure that notifications reach you!

Published 11/1/2022

As a user of Messages, you will be sent an email notification when you have received a message in your Messages inbox.