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Death of a close family member

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If a foreign citizen dies in Finland

If a close family member dies in Finland

When a foreign citizen dies in Finland, the cause of death is investigated and the deceased person is handled in accordance with the Finnish law. The Finnish authorities and the hospital where the deceased person was treated will report the death to the diplomatic mission of the deceased person’s home country. The diplomatic mission or foreign ministry of the deceased person’s home country will forward the information to the family of the deceased person.

When a close family member dies in Finland – InfoFinland.fiOpens in a new window.

Updated: 12/5/2023

Contact the diplomatic mission of the deceased person's home country

The diplomatic mission will advise you on how to arrange the transport, burial and cremation of the deceased person. Contact details of foreign diplomatic missions in Finland can be found on the Ministry for Foreign Affairs websiteOpens in a new window..

Updated: 12/5/2023

Notify the authorities in the deceased person's home country

The family members must report the death to the authorities in the deceased person’s home country so that the death can be registered in that country.

If the deceased person had a Finnish personal identity code, the death is also entered in the Population Information System.

Updated: 12/5/2023

When can the deceased person be transported to the home country?

The deceased person can be transported from Finland after a doctor has granted the burial permit. The burial permit is granted after the investigation of the cause of death has been completed.

The deceased person can be transported to the home country in a coffin or the deceased can be cremated in Finland and the urn can be transported for burial outside Finland.

A body transport permit is required if the deceased person is transported in a coffin. In most cases, the funeral home requests the permit and takes care of the transport arrangements.

Updated: 12/5/2023

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Updated: 12/5/2023

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