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A cooperative is particularly suitable for collaborative entrepreneurship, regardless of the sector. It allows you to sell your own skills easily and in a fairly risk-free manner without a large initial capital. You can set up a cooperative either as an individual or as a company. The key organs in a cooperative are a Board of Directors, the cooperative's General Meeting and a Managing Director.

Compare the company forms thoroughly to find the best option for your business.

You can find out more about business taxation on the Corporate taxation page.

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Setting up a cooperative

Setting up a cooperative does not normally require large initial capital. File the start-up notification to the Trade Register on paper.

Rules and Memorandum of Association of a cooperative

Rules and Memorandum of Association are the cooperative's official founding documents. You must attach them to the cooperative's start-up notification

Governance and bodies of a cooperative

A cooperative's governance consists of a Board of Directors and the cooperative’s General Meeting or its replacement, a Board of Representatives.

Examples of cooperatives

As a private individual, you can set up an employee-owned cooperative. Your company can also set up a cooperative or join in, for example, a work pool