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Responsible for the service City of Raisio

Planning requirement decision or deviation decision

  • Permit or other obligation
  • Raisio
  • Public service

Construction outside the local detailed plan area and in the planning requirement area

A planning requirement area refers to an area where special measures should be taken to meet the needs related to its use, such as the construction of roads, water pipes or sewers or the organisation of free zones. These planning requirement areas are defined in the building code.

The need for planning is ...

Do the following

Does my project require planning requirement permit or deviation permit?

Submit the enquiry on the matter in the electronic License Point e-service. Include a map extract where you have marked the location of the site and provide a brief description of your project and its scope (area). As feedback, we will provide you with comments and instructions.

Application and processing

Submit the permit applications electronically through the Licence Point e-service.

Material to be provided

  • Maps (same map material as in the building permit application)
  • Proprietary Statement
  • Local Detailed Drawing
  • Neighbourhood consultation form

Applying for a building permit

A building permit can be applied for at the same time as a planning permit, in which case proactive preparation related to the permit will be made possible. A planning requirement permit may be granted in connection with a building permit.

The deviation permit decision issued by the City Development Division must be legally valid before the building permit can be processed. Apply for a legally valid entry in the original permit decision document at the registry of the Turku Administrative Court and submit it as an attachment to the building permit. The validity marking is available no earlier than 30 days after the date of the permit decision.

Information on all service channels is not available in your chosen language. Change the language of the site to receive information on service channels in other languages.

To whom and on what terms

If the entrepreneur has established itself in another country in the European Economic Area and temporarily offers services in Finland, the same permits are required as from entrepreneurs established in Finland.

Processing time

The processing time for permits within the decision-making authority of the City of Raisio is approximately 4 weeks.

Period of validity

The planning requirement decision is valid for the period specified in the decision, up to a maximum of two years. An application for the building permit must be submitted during this period. The deviation decision will be in effect for the period stated in the decision, which is two years at most.

Background information

In certain situations, applying for a building permit may first require a planning requirement decision or a deviation decision.

The builder must have a valid planning requirement decision if they are applying for a building permit in an area requiring planning. The application for a planning requirement decision must be submitted to an authority designated by the municipality before applying for the building permit.

The municipality will determine whether the site in question is located in an area requiring planning. An area requiring planning is an area that is not covered by the municipality’s local detailed plan but where there may be a need to take measures such as constructing roads, water pipes or sewers.

The planning requirement decision will be in effect for the period stated in the decision (a maximum of two years). An application for the building permit must be submitted during this period.

If the builder wants to deviate from the local detailed plan or other provisions, regulations, prohibitions or restrictions that are in accordance with the Land Use and Building Act or that have been issued under it (such as the building code), they must obtain a deviation decision before being granted the building permit. The municipality may grant the deviation under certain conditions.

There must always be a particular reason for deviations. The deviation may not interfere with other uses of the area, for example, or cause damage to nature.

The deviation decision will be in effect for the period stated in the decision, which is two years at most.

The service is provided by

City of Raisio

Responsible for the service

City of Raisio
Text edited by: City of Raisio
Updated: 3/3/2023