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Responsible for the service East Uusimaa wellbeing services county


  • Service
  • 7 municipalities
  • Public service

Physiotherapy is a form of medical rehabilitative therapy, that aims to enhance and/or sustain physical functionality for people of different ages. Physiotherapy also helps a clients abilities to manage and sustain his/her own strengths.

Physiotherapy is a part of primary treatments.

Consultative admission to physiotherapy is possible also without a doctor's referral.

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Background information

Physiotherapy is a form of medical rehabilitation whose aim is to relieve pain and improve the patient’s ability to exercise, function and work. Physiotherapy is based on patient interviews, examinations and clinical decisions. Physiotherapy includes guidance, counselling, therapeutic exercises and manual therapy.

Physiotherapy is used to treat e.g. musculoskeletal pain and various sports and strain injuries. The treatment places special emphasis on the patient’s own activity.

The physiotherapist examines the patient’s posture, assesses their mobility and tries to find the cause of the issue. They prepare a training programme for the patient and guide and counsel them in completing the exercises. The physiotherapist also assesses the progress of the treatment during each visit.

The service is provided by

East Uusimaa wellbeing services county

Responsible for the service

East Uusimaa wellbeing services county
Text edited by: East Uusimaa wellbeing services county
Updated: 29/3/2023