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Responsible for the service City of Raisio

Notification of noise and vibration

  • Permit or other obligation
  • Raisio
  • Public service

A noise and vibration notification must be submitted for large public events and construction projects.

You must notify the city’s environmental protection authority of temporary action or events causing particularly disturbing noise or vibration, unless otherwise specified in the city'’ environmental protection regulations.

Do the following

The noise and vibration notification must be submitted no later than 30 days prior to the start of operations. The municipality will consider the notification and issue the necessary orders, which you must comply with.

You can report numerous events with a single noise and vibration notification.

Information on all service channels is not available in your chosen language. Change the language of the site to receive information on service channels in other languages.

To whom and on what terms

A notification is not required for activities for which an environmental permit has been applied.

Private persons are not required to submit environmental notifications for activities connected with their own daily life.

If a trader has established their business in another country within the European Economic Area and intends to provide their services temporarily in Finland, the trader is subject to the same obligations as all other traders established in Finland.

Background information

Every actor whose operations cause especially disruptive noise or vibration must submit an advance notification to the municipal environmental authority. Especially disruptive noise and vibrations may be caused by construction, outdoor concerts, auto sport competitions, mining, rock crushing and pile-driving. A noise and vibration notification is required e.g.for large public events and construction projects.

The party causing the disruption must also provide advance notification of the noise or vibration to everyone in the affected area including residents, day care centres, schools and care facilities etc.

If the operations, which result in noise or vibration, cause disruptions in more than one municipality, a noise and vibration notification must be submitted to the ELY Centre.

The service is provided by

City of Raisio

Responsible for the service

City of Raisio
Text edited by: City of Raisio
Updated: 3/3/2023