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Responsible for the service City of Tampere

Influencing the local comprehensive planning process

  • Service
  • Tampere
  • Public service

A comprehensive plan is a general land use plan that guides land use and traffic system development. According to the Land Use and Building Act, the municipality must ensure that the comprehensive plan is drawn up and kept up to date. The comprehensive plan is a decision on how the City of Tampere will maintain and develop the urban fabric in the future.

The comprehensive plan map contains zoning ...

Do the following

The municipality will provide the appropriate instructions for the parties that would like to take part in the planning process.

In the initial phase, you can familiarise yourself with the participation and assessment plan, and in the preparation phase with the draft plan and other preparatory material. You can submit your opinion on these materials when they are open to the public. During the proposal phase, you can submit a reminder on the draft plan and, once the plan has been approved, you can appeal against the decision to approve it to the Administrative Court. If you want to submit an opinion or a reminder on the comprehensive plan, please send it to the Tampere City Registry.

In addition, surveys and other forms of participation may be organised to gather information from participants at different phases of the plan. Public meetings will be organised when the comprehensive plan is available for consultation. You can find information on how to participate on the comprehensive planning website.

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To whom and on what terms

All parties whose immediate circumstances or interests are affected by local master planning have the right to take part and have a say in the process.

According to the Land Use and Building Act, the landowners of the area to be planned and those whose living, working or other conditions may be significantly affected by the plan are involved. The authorities and associations whose areas of activity are covered by the plan are also participants.

So whether it is a business, a private individual, an association or any other community, everyone can be involved in the preparation of a plan.

The list of participants is set out in the plan's participation and assessment plan.

Background information

The purpose of the local master plan is to lay out how the municipality plans to use regions and allocate land for housing, working life, traffic, recreation and other activities. Provisions on local master plans are contained in the Land Use and Building Act.

A municipality can draw up the local master plan alone or in cooperation with neighbouring municipalities (joint master plan).

The service is provided by

City of Tampere

Responsible for the service

City of Tampere
Text edited by: City of Tampere
Updated: 1/11/2023