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Responsible for the service Wellbeing Services County of Ostrobothnia

Hagaborg in Uusikaarlepyy

  • Service
  • 14 municipalities
  • Public service

Hagaborg is an efficient assisted living facility that offers round-the-clock care to clients with a psychiatric diagnosis who are no longer able to live independently. Hagaborg is a more efficient accommodation with 11 beds and 1 interval bed. All have their own bathroom.

The staff consists of 1 service manager and 9 caregivers. Alerte provides cleaning and meal services.

Clients at Hagaborg ...

Do the following

You can apply for a place in Hagaborg by submitting an application to a social worker. The form is available on the website of the Ostrobothnia Welfare Area.

To whom and on what terms

Psychiatric diagnosis. No resources independent living with or without family support. Social workers make decisions based on applications received.

The service is provided by

Wellbeing Services County of Ostrobothnia

Responsible for the service

Wellbeing Services County of Ostrobothnia
Text edited by: Wellbeing Services County of Ostrobothnia
Updated: 29/1/2024