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Responsible for the service City of Tampere

Financial recruitment support and bonus

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  • Tampere
  • Public service

The City of Tampere offers financial recruitment support to employers who hire job seekers from Tampere. The support is intended to cover the costs of recruitment, workspace, work clothes, induction, and guidance related to the new employee's job. However, this support cannot be used to cover salary costs. Support may be granted within the approved budget of the city of Tampere. Employers can rece ...

Do the following

The recruitment support is only available for a new employment relationship. The person being hired must reside in Tampere, and the recruiting company must have a workplace in the same region. The application for recruitment support must be made within two months of the start of the employment relationship.

The support can be granted in the following cases:

  • If the employee has received unemployment benefits for at least 200 days.
  • If the employee is an educated, unemployed young person under 30 years of age, who is employed in a job related to his or her field of education.
  • If the employee is an uneducated, unemployed young person under 25 years of age and is hired for apprenticeship training.
  • If the employee is an unemployed immigrant with inadequate Finnish language skills.

Apart from the recruitment support, companies can also apply for a one-time payment of 1800 euros as a recruitment bonus, provided that the employment relationship in the company continues for at least a year and covers at least 85 per cent of the regular working time. The duration of the employment relationship can be calculated from the date when the recruitment supplement was first paid.

To whom and on what terms

You can find detailed instructions, necessary forms, and conditions on the Work and Entrepreneurship pages of the City of Tampere's website. Please read the instructions carefully before submitting your application.

The service is provided by

City of Tampere

Responsible for the service

City of Tampere
Text edited by: City of Tampere
Updated: 11/3/2024