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Responsible for the service Soite

Department of General Medicine Y0 YLE

  • Service
  • 8 municipalities
  • Public service

The department of general medicine Y0 YLE treats and rehabilitates patients within the field of general medicine, and patients who need palliative and hospice care. Palliative care refers to the active comprehensive care for terminally ill patients at the point when curative treatment is no longer possible.

The aim of the department’s activities is to promote the patient’s health, functional capa ...

Do the following

Patients come to ward treatment either via the joint emergency services or for follow-up care from, for example, other specialties. Ward treatment requires a doctor’s referral or an agreement for the use of the support ward that has been made together with the palliative outpatient clinic’s patient, in which case a separate referral is not required. The use of the support ward applies to hospice or palliative patients, when the patient’s symptoms require ward treatment.

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Responsible for the service

Text edited by: Soite
Updated: 5/3/2024