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Responsible for the service Municipality of Pielavesi

Adult education centre

  • Service
  • 2 municipalities
  • Public service

The community colleges of Pielavesi and Keitele support the well-being of the municipal citizens and free-time residents by offering a wide range of learning and development opportunities and related free-time activities. The community college offers a wide range of learning and development opportunities for the population of the region. In community college, you can study many kinds of things for ...

Do the following

The courses offered and instructions for registering can be found on the centres’ websites.

You can familiarize yourself to the course programs on the college website. You can sign up to a course in Hellewi (online service) or by phone. You need the course number when signing up.

In the community college, you can study singular courses or you can get a personal season card, which allows you to study as much as you want during the academic year (September-August). There is also a family card, which allows parents and children under the age of 18 to study as much as they want during the academic year (September-August).

To whom and on what terms

Adult education centres are open for everyone.

Background information

Adult education centres offer possibilities for independent learning and improvement of civic skills. Rather than a qualification, studies at an adult education centre aim for the student’s versatile development, lifelong learning, well-being and active citizenship.

Some adult education centres also organise basic education in the arts in accordance with the national core curriculum. Adult education centres also offer open university courses. Adult education centres are maintained by municipalities, joint municipal authorities, NGOs, foundations or communities by authorisation of the Ministry of Education and Culture. The maintainers make their decisions on the content of the instruction independently. The instruction often focuses on manual skills and pastimes, languages and arts. The instruction is typically provided for groups in the evenings or weekends. The instruction can be organised as contact or distance teaching.

The service is provided by

Municipality of Pielavesi

Other responsible organisations

Keiteleen kunta

Responsible for the service

Municipality of Pielavesi
Text edited by: Municipality of Pielavesi
Updated: 12/3/2024