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Guardianship and continuing power of attorney

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Preparing a continuing power of attorney

Where can I get help for preparing a continuing power of attorney?

You should use expert assistance when preparing a continuing power of attorney because many different things must be considered in the process. Each continuing power of attorney is different. For this reason, there is no single template for a continuing power of attorney that would suit everybody. 

You can seek help from legal aid officesOpens in a new window., law firms or notarial services provided by banks.

Updated: 17/6/2022

How much does it cost to prepare a continuing power of attorney?

Preparing a continuing power of attorney usually costs between 100 and 600 euros. The price depends on which party will help you in the process. 

Updated: 17/6/2022

Selecting the donee

Select a person that you can trust. You should appoint at least three persons for the task: a donee, a secondary donee and a substitute donee. However, you can prepare a continuing power of attorney even if you could only appoint a single person for the task.

Talk about the matter with the persons that you have selected. They must give their oral consent before you can appoint them to the task. You must also ask them for permission to include their personal details in the power of attorney.

Updated: 18/12/2023

You need two witnesses for the process

You need two impartial witnesses when the continuing power of attorney is signed. Impartiality means among other things that close family members cannot serve as witnesses. Both witnesses must be present at the same time when you sign the continuing power of attorney. 

Read more about impartiality on the website of the Digital and Population Data Services Agency.Opens in a new window.

Updated: 11/1/2024

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