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Guardianship and continuing power of attorney

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Prepare for the future with a continuing power of attorney

What is meant by continuing power of attorney?

You can safeguard the management of your property and other personal matters with a continuing power of attorney. It is only used when you are no longer able to manage your own affairs. 

Continuing power of attorney and guardianship are two different things. By granting a continuing power of attorney, you can decide yourself how your affairs will be managed in the future. You will also make things easier for persons close to you because a continuing power of attorney involves less official supervision than traditional guardianship. 

Updated: 5/5/2023

Who can grant a continuing power of attorney?

You can grant a continuing power of attorney if you are at least 18 years old and you are able to understand the contents and meaning of the arrangement. 

If, for example, you are suffering from an early form of a memory disorder, you should attach a medical certificate to the power of attorney. With the medical certificate you can prove that you understand sufficiently well the significance of preparing a continuing power of attorney.

Updated: 17/6/2022

Other ways to manage your affairs

Continuing power of attorney is the most convenient way to ensure that your affairs will be properly managed in the future. There are also other instruments that you should consider when preparing for the future. These include other powers of attorney, e-Authorizations and bank account user rights.

Read more about the options available to you on the website of the Digital and Population Data Services Agency.Opens in a new window. 

Updated: 21/2/2024

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