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Responsible for the service Centre for Non-Military Service

Health care services during alternative civil service

  • Service
  • Nationwide
  • Public service

The Civilian Service Centre operates a health clinic that offers health care services during your training period at the centre. You will attend a two-part medical assessment to determine your suitability for service. A nurse will conduct an interview and initial health check, and a physician will then carry out an initial assessment of your suitability for service.

You will be entitled to free ...

Do the following

In Omasivari, you fill out a pre-questionnaire about your health information, which must be filled out carefully before the start of the training period. The health information is used as the basis for the health check-up performed during the training period. You answer the survey by opening "Health Enquiry" task in the front page of Omasivari. You will then have a check-up during your training period. You have access to health care services at the clinic during opening hours. The doctor is available by appointment.

Information on all service channels is not available in your chosen language. Change the language of the site to receive information on service channels in other languages.

To whom and on what terms

The clinic provides health care services during the training period and during any work service completed at the centre.

The service is provided by

Centre for Non-Military Service

Responsible for the service

Centre for Non-Military Service
Text edited by: Centre for Non-Military Service
Updated: 27/2/2024