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New contents on acting as an informal carer available in the Web Service

Published 25/1/2018

A new informative content on acting as an informal carer has been published in the Web Service.

The content provides guidance on how you can become an informal carer and what informal carers commit themselves to. It also gathers together information on the financial support and support services related to caring for a family member and explains what kind of rights carers have, for example training and days off.

In addition, the section contains information on how a family member of a sick or disabled child can become an informal carer.

The descriptions of the services related to informal care in the Finnish Service Catalogue supplement the informative content.

Because being an informal carer is linked to a variety of life situations, the new informative content can be found under several sections in The content has been published in sections

The sections have been produced in collaboration with Carers Finland.