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Planning for internationalisation

When you are planning to expand your business operations to other countries, you should first explore networking opportunities and prepare an internationalisation plan for your company. 

Consider which needs your company’s products fulfil and which market would have customers for them. You can obtain external financing for your company’s internationalisation programme from sources in both the public and private sector.

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The first steps of internationalisation

Examine and think about the aspects related to your company’s internationalisation. Prepare an internationalisation plan and update it regularly.

Funding for internationalisation

You can obtain external financing for your company’s internationalisation programme from sources in both the public and private sector.

Competence and networking required for entering the international market

A company should include international business competence as well as knowledge of language and culture. Networking is important.

Choosing a target market

Choose a market carefully and adapt your products to it. If necessary, apply for a patent, trademark or design right for the target country.