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Vehicle information

Vehicle information is a compilation of the key data entered into the Vehicular and Driver Data Register.

Example of content:

Vehicle information

Vehicle type: AAA-777 Henkilöauto Audi
Type of possession: -
Reprimands and restrictions: Liikenteestä poisto
Määräaikaiskatsastus suorittamatta

Vehicle type: ABC-123 Henkilöauto Ford
Type of possession: Muu
Reprimands and restrictions: -

Register data is not available in English. Data will be shown in Finnish.

Additional information

For more detailed vehicle information, go to Traficom’s e-services.Opens in a new window.

Register descriptions: Vehicular and Driver Data RegisterOpens in a new window.

If there are any errors in the data, contact Traficom's customer service.Opens in a new window.