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Responsible for the service City of Lappeenranta

Archaeological heritage work by the Museums of Lappeenranta

  • Service
  • 9 municipalities
  • Public service

The Museums of Lappeenranta serve as the regional museum for the protection of the archaeological heritage of the region of South Karelia. The museum provides authorities, decision-makers and planners with opinions on fixed monuments to guide planning, land use and building work.

Do the following

You can ask the museum’s archaeologist for advice and information on the history and prehistory of the museum’s field of activity. If you find or think that you have found a relic, please contact the museum’s archaeologist. For example, metal detectorists should contact the museum’s archaeologist, who will be happy to answer your questions and give instructions on how to manage archaeological heritage.

It is also possible to arrange a personal meeting if necessary.

The Museums of Lappeenranta provides archaeological opinions for planning, forest use and construction projects in the region of South Karelia. Send any official requests for opinions to the City of Lappeenranta Registry Office at, from where they are forwarded to the archaeologist responsible for the area in question.

You can contact the archaeologist by email or phone. See the Lappeenranta Museums website for contact information.

The response time to requests for opinion is four weeks.

Background information

The purpose of museum services is to maintain and build up the population's understanding of culture, history and environment. The museums are open for everyone.

The museums preserve cultural and natural heritage and keep it for the generations to come. Through their exhibitions and publications, the museums also inform the public and engage in research and teaching.

The service is provided by

City of Lappeenranta

Responsible for the service

City of Lappeenranta
Text edited by: City of Lappeenranta
Updated: 4/8/2023