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Where can I see the granted mandates?

When an adult has selected Personal mandates as the service role, the Granted mandates page will display everyone who they have granted mandates to. 

When a minor's guardian has selected Another person’s mandates as the service role and the child whose mandates they want to view, the Granted mandates page will display everyone  who have been granted mandates on behalf of the child.

If you click on the name of the assignee, you will see all the mandates granted by you to them. 

If you have a large number of granted mandates, you can:

  • search for the mandates granted to a specific person, company or organisation by the name, part of name or identifier of the assignee.
  • search for mandates granted for certain mandate themes or with certain specifier
  • limit the list based on the period of validity of the mandates.

On the Expired mandates page, you will see the mandates whose period of validity has expired or those which have been invalidated prior to expiry. Expired mandates are displayed on the page for 15 months after their expiry date.

Updated: 26/2/2024

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