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Before extending your business to Finland

When you plan to expand your company's operations to Finland, know your mandatory obligations and related financial costs.

Before your company's operations start in Finland:

  • name a representative for your company in Finland or start a new company in Finland
  • learn about Finnish taxation
  • notify the Finnish Occupational Safety and Health Authority of your posted employees in Finland
  • if your company acts as a subcontractor of another company or leases its employees to another company, submit reports to the other party in the agreement in accordance with the Contractor's Liability Act

Before your employees start work in Finland:

  • make sure that all your employees have the right to work in Finland
  • know the tax obligations of your business
  • find out the country or countries where you should pay your employees’ social insurance premiums
  • make an employment contract with your posted employees
  • ensure yours employees' occupational safety and arrange their health care.

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Text edited by: editorial team
In collaboration with: Employment fund, Finnish Immigration Service, Finnish Workers' Compensation Center, Regional State Administrative Agency, Tax Administration
Updated: 2/1/2024