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Towards employment

Job search

Working life

When you go to work, you pay tax on your salary, so you need a tax card. Order a tax card on service MyTaxOpens in a new window.. Please submit your bank account number to the Finnish Tax Administration for tax refunds.

Starting a business

You can also think about whether you could be an entrepreneur. Entrepreneurs need proficiency and entrepreneurial skills. Find out more in the Could I be an entrepreneur? guide.


If you become unemployed or your studies end and you do not have a job, register as an unemployed jobseeker by following the TE Services’ instructions. You can then apply for the unemployment benefit from your unemployment fundOpens in a new window. or from KelaOpens in a new window..

Unemployment security for jobseekers under the age of 25 includes certain conditions that differ from those of other jobseekers. Read more about unemployment security for people under 25 on the TE Office's website.Opens in a new window.

See contents related to the topic:

Help in choosing a career and changing careers

You can get guidance on career choice from TE Offices and private service providers.

Employment contract and trial period

The employment contract arises when you agree with your employer on the performance of work and the associated pay, and on other benefits and terms.

Characteristics of a well made employment contract

There is no set form for an employment contract. You can make the contract orally, but it is wiser to set it out in writing.