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Rehabilitation services and financial support you can get when you are in rehabilitation

Rehabilitation is based on the needs and objectives of the rehabilitee. Rehabilitation is a systematic process in which the rehabilitees maintain and improve their functional capacity and work ability with the help of professionals. It is essential that the rehabilitees' own activity and involvement is supported and their operating environments are adapted to support the rehabilitation. Rehabilitation services also include support to the people close to the rehabilitee.

The Rehabilitation Hub page on Health (in Finnish)Opens in a new window. provides information and self-care instructions to support your recovery in different situations. There are also instructions that tell you how to support the rehabilitation patient and take care of your own well-being in the process.

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Forms of rehabilitation and providers of rehabilitation services

Rehabilitation is divided into four types depending on the aims of the rehabilitation. Many different organisations provide rehabilitation.

Preconditions and application procedures for getting rehabilitation services

Rehabilitation helps you stay or become fit enough to work. Most of the rehabilitation services are free of charge for the client.

Financial support while you are in rehabilitation

You can apply for different types of financial support for a rehabilitation period.