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Responsible for the service The Ministry of Justice

Youth participation in decision making

  • Service
  • Nationwide
  • Public service

Children and young people have the right to participate in and influence matters that concern them. Under the Youth Act, young people have the right to participate in handling the matters concerning local and regional youth work and politics. The Local Government Act and the Act on wellbeing services counties also guarantee young people the right to participate in and influence local and regional ...

Do the following

There are different ways and channels for influencing, depending on the matter. Municipalities and wellbeing services counties have youth parliaments and different groups of actors. In schools, student unions work for the benefit of all students in the school. By participating in the activities of associations, young people can influence matters that interest them. You can find an influencing channel for young people,, online. Young people can also participate and influence through the service or by making initiatives to a municipality in the service.

Find out what channels of participation and influence are available for young people in your home municipality. You can find information on the website of your municipality of residence and by asking your school, educational institution, youth centres or associations. Digiraati participants are invited personally by email. Anyone can open and participate in various discussions and surveys in the service. On the service, you can submit initiatives to the municipalities participating in the service and support and follow the initiatives made by others.

To whom and on what terms

There is no minimum age for discussions on and making initiatives to municipal authorities.

The service is provided by

The Ministry of Justice

Responsible for the service

The Ministry of Justice
Text edited by: The Ministry of Justice
Updated: 27/7/2022