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Responsible for the service City of Uusikaupunki

Water-borne epidemic notification

  • Permit or other obligation
  • 9 municipalities
  • Public service

Report the epidemic caused by household water, pool water or beach water or its suspicion to the municipal health protection authority immediately when you notice the matter. If a suspected health hazard is related to your own food sector company, submit a notification in the ilppa notification service.

Do the following

Include in the notification at least

  • if the suspicion concerns domestic, pool or beach water
  • where the suspected epidemic is located
  • what makes you think this is a waterborne epidemic.

To whom and on what terms

Anyone can report a waterborne epidemic or suspect waterborne epidemic.

If a person carrying on a trade is located in another country within the European Economic Area and provides services in Finland on a temporary basis, they are subject to the same obligations as a trader established in Finland.

The service is provided by

City of Uusikaupunki

Responsible for the service

City of Uusikaupunki
Text edited by: City of Uusikaupunki
Updated: 8/5/2024