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Responsible for the service City of Tampere

Vocational labour market training

  • Service
  • Tampere
  • Public service

The City of Tampere is responsible for offering this service to persons whose municipality of residence is Tampere and who belong to the target group of local government employment pilot projects. Tampere is also responsible for the service for immigrants of Pirkanmaa who are in the process of integration, excluding immigrants whose municipality of residence is Kuhmoinen.

The target group for thes ...

Do the following

Discuss your application for labour market training with your personal counsellor. You can see which labour market training are currently available by searching on the TE Services’ website. Also on this website, you can subscribe to the Koulutusvahti service to receive information about future vocational labour market training opportunities sent to your email address.

How do I apply for a training?

In the first instance you apply for labour market training by submitting an online application directly to the TE office responsible for student admissions. Please note that if you have not identified yourself in the service before filling in the training application, you will need to confirm your application in person at your local TE Office or the Tampere City Employment and Growth Services.

You may also apply for training using the Application for Labour Market Training form that you can print out from services or receive from the TE office or Tampere City Employment and Growth Services.

Before submitting your application, carefully read the qualification requirements for the training you are interested in.

If you are unemployed, you may apply for reimbursement for your travel and accommodation costs for the trip:

  • to a selection interview or an aptitude test for labour market training
  • to the educational institution before starting the labour market training, or if your disability or illness requires you to familiarise yourself with the accessibility and suitability of the educational institution.

You will get further information from your own counsellor.

Information on all service channels is not available in your chosen language. Change the language of the site to receive information on service channels in other languages.

To whom and on what terms

Unemployed people over 20 years old or are threatened with unemployment will be selected as a priority. However, an employed or self-employed person may also be selected if the training is considered to promote career development within the current job or to support a change of sector. The training is adult education.

Student selection

Students are selected by a team consisting of experts of employment and economic development services and a representative of the training provider. If an employer takes part in planning and funding the training, a representative of the employer will also participate in the selection process. Other experts may also be involved if necessary.

Selection is based on applications, interviews and, if necessary, aptitude tests. Occasionally, training may be preceded by an initial period, after which only some of the students will continue their studies.

Matters to consider in the selection process

The TE Office has established that the applicant needs training.

Informing about the selection results

The TE Office responsible for student selections will inform the candidates about its decision by letter. That happens usually within about a month after the application period for the training has closed. If you have filled in your application by logging in to, you can track the progress of your application online via the Omat hakemukset (My applications to training) service.

If you are selected for labour market training, the training provider will usually send you a separate invitation to the training. The invitation will give you more detailed information about the start date and other arrangements of the training programme.

The service is free of charge.

For transport services training, the cost of obtaining a driver’s licence is paid by the applicant.

The service is provided by

City of Tampere, Pirkanmaa TE Office, ELY Centre for Pirkanmaa

Other responsible organisations

ELY Centre for Pirkanmaa, Pirkanmaa TE Office

Responsible for the service

City of Tampere
Text edited by: City of Tampere
Updated: 29/3/2023