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Tobacco withdrawal support

  • Service
  • 27 municipalities
  • Public service

The preparation phase of quitting the use of tobacco and nicotine products includes considering quitting, decision-making, anticipating upcoming difficulties as well as the decision itself to quit and upholding the decision.

You will receive support for quitting from health care employees, withdrawal groups and electronic coach programmes. The support of people close to you is also important.

T ...

Do the following

Contact the health centre, occupational health care or child welfare clinic of your municipality of residence.

Information on all service channels is not available in your chosen language. Change the language of the site to receive information on service channels in other languages.

To whom and on what terms

When you are going to quit smoking, the doctor or the nurse can help you in the beginning and help you choose the most suitable replacement therapy.

Background information

Nicotine withdrawal services provide low-threshold support for phasing out of tobacco and other nicotine products.

The wellbeing services county is responsible for arranging local activities that help people quit smoking. Nicotine withdrawal services are organised by various service providers in different regions. A region can organise its nicotine withdrawal services itself or purchase the service from a company or organisation.

The service is provided by

The wellbeing services county of Southwest Finland

Responsible for the service

The wellbeing services county of Southwest Finland
Text edited by: The wellbeing services county of Southwest Finland
Updated: 28/2/2023