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Responsible for the service Western Uusimaa Wellbeing Services County

Social work and social guidance that supports integration

  • Service
  • 10 municipalities
  • Public service

Our approach to social work and counselling is systematic and tailored to the needs of each individual. Together, we will assess your current situation and explore options for improvement. We will coordinate support measures and, if needed, assign a dedicated social worker to oversee the planning of your services.

Our assistance covers various aspects of life, including housing, finances, family ...

Do the following

To whom and on what terms

- This service is provided based on a service needs assessment or client plan, which are created collaboratively by a social welfare professional and the client.

- The service is designed to assist individuals and families who have recently relocated to Finland.

- The primary focus of the support is to aid in the early stages of integration.

The service is provided by

Western Uusimaa Wellbeing Services County

Responsible for the service

Western Uusimaa Wellbeing Services County
Text edited by: Western Uusimaa Wellbeing Services County
Updated: 2/6/2024