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Services of the school psychologist

  • Service
  • 10 municipalities
  • Public service

Student welfare services are predominantly preventive activities that support the educational community. In addition, pupils and students have the right to receive individual student welfare services.

Sometimes your life situation can change so that you feel the need to discuss it alone with a student welfare professional. The discussions are confidential and voluntary.

You can discuss the ...

Do the following

To whom and on what terms

When you are attending pre-primary education, basic education or an upper secondary school or vocational institution, you have a right to use psychologist services regardless of your municipality of residence. The psychologist service is voluntary and free of charge.

The service is provided by

Western Uusimaa Wellbeing Services County

Responsible for the service

Western Uusimaa Wellbeing Services County, Services for children, youth and families
Text edited by: Western Uusimaa Wellbeing Services County, Services for children, youth and families
Updated: 3/6/2024