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Responsible for the service Vantaa city

Tikkurila Swimming Hall

  • Service location

Tikkurila Swimming Hall has a 50-metre pool, a 4.5-m-deep diving pool and a practice pool. The diving pool has two diving boards (1 m and 3 m) and 10-metre diving tower. The hall also includes a gym for working out and one for playing games or gymnastics.

You can borrow belts for aqua jogging by the pool.

Visiting address

Läntinen Valkoisenlähteentie 50
01300 Vantaa

Service hours

Monday-Wednesday 6.00–20.00
Thursday 10.00–20.00
Friday 6.00–20.00
Saturday-Sunday 10.00–17.00

Other contact details


Text edited by: Vantaa city
Updated: 21/5/2024