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Responsible for the service City of Tampere

Tampere Swimming Centre gym

  • Service location

The gym is located in Tampere swimming centre, which serves both swimming hall visitors and those who only want to go to the gym. The gym is located on the second floor of the swimming centre and has versatile fitness equipment. Changing rooms are located in the swimming hall premises, the gym is chargeable.

Visiting address

Service hours

27.5. - 25.8.2024
Monday-Wednesday 6.00–20.30
Thursday 13.00–20.30
Friday 6.00–20.30
Saturday-Sunday 10.00–17.30
26.8. - 15.12.2024
Monday-Wednesday 6.00–21.30
Thursday 13.00–21.30
Friday 6.00–20.30
Saturday-Sunday 10.00–19.30
16.12.2024 - 12.1.2025
Monday-Wednesday 6.00–20.30
Thursday 13.00–20.30
Friday 6.00–20.30
Saturday-Sunday 10.00–17.30

Exceptional service hours

17/6/2024–30/6/2024 Swimming hall is closeds, and gym also.


Text edited by: City of Tampere
Updated: 3/5/2024