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Responsible for the service City of Tampere

Sports Services’ facility reservations and customer service

  • Service location

The customer and sports facility reservation service of the City of Tampere's Sports Services, where customers can, for example, book training shifts at sites managed by the Sports Services or inquire about general matters related to sports facilities.

Visiting address

There are paid parking spaces along the street

Ratinan rantatie 1
33100 Tampere

Service hours

Telephone service
Monday 12.00–15.45
Tuesday-Friday 10.00–15.45

Exceptional service hours


Other contact details

Telephone number

+358 356534300 
(local/mobile network fee)

Postal address

Ratinan rantatie 1
33100 Tampere


Text edited by: City of Tampere
Updated: 13/5/2024