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Responsible for the service East Uusimaa wellbeing services county

Sateenkaari Ward Unit

  • Service location

Sateenkaari ward unit is a place where elderly people living in Sipoo may receive long-time care. The unit is meant for persons who are not in need of acute hospital care, but unable to receive care at their own homes for practical reasons. The ward unit has 32 places. The care given in our unit is guaranteed by a multi-professional workplace community.

Our mission statement is to provide the eld ...

Visiting address

Kaakkumäentie 1-3
04600 Mäntsälä

Other contact details

Telephone number

Rosa-tiiimi Sateenkaari
+358 401914366 
(local/mobile network fee)
Rosa-tiimi 24/7 Sateenkaari
+358 401914377 
(local/mobile network fee)
Jade-tiimi Sateenkaari
+358 401914327 
(local/mobile network fee)
Jade-tiimi 24/7 Sateenkaari
+358 401914326 
(local/mobile network fee)
Lila-tiimi Sateenkaari
+358 401914328 
(local/mobile network fee)
Lila-tiimi 24/7 Sateenkaari
+358 401914329 
(local/mobile network fee)
+358 401914510 
(local/mobile network fee)
Text edited by: East Uusimaa wellbeing services county
Updated: 22/3/2023