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Responsible for the service City of Tampere

Sampola Library

  • Service location

The Sampola Library is a comfortable and modern library for the whole family. It is located in the middle of the city along good transportation routes. The library offers a stimulating environment that supports lifelong learning. In Sampola, you’ll also find the Sampola Tietotori IT Centre and makerspace Tekomo, Tampere adult education centre and Tammerkoski upper secondary school. You can reserve ...

Visiting address

Service hours

Library's opening hours 1.6.-31.8.2024 (self-service Mon-Fri 8-10)
Monday-Thursday 8.00–19.00
Friday 8.00–18.00
Tekomo's opening hours 1.6.-31.8.2024
Monday-Thursday 10.00–19.00
Friday 10.00–18.00

Other contact details

Telephone number

+358 408007815 
(local/mobile network fee)

Postal address

Sammonkatu 2
33540 Tampere


Text edited by: City of Tampere
Updated: 31/5/2024