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Responsible for the service City of Rovaniemi

Rautiosaari daycare center

  • Service location

Full- and part-day early childhood education and pre-primary education are organized in the Rautiosaari daycare center. The daycare center is open on the opening days of the Rautiosaari school. At other times, early childhood education is organized in other kindergartens in the vicinity.

Rautiosaari daycare center is located in Rautiosaari, about 20 km south of the center of Rovaniemi.

Visiting address

Huhtavainiontie 4
97110 Rautiosaari

Service hours

Monday-Friday 6.30–17.00

Other contact details

Telephone number

Varhaiskasvatusyksikön johtaja Sieppi Paula
+358 163228204 
(local/mobile network fee)


Text edited by: City of Rovaniemi
Updated: 14/8/2023