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Responsible for the service City of Lappeenranta

Myllysaari public outdoor swimming pool’s ice swimming hole

  • Service location

The fee for the use of the Myllysaari swimming facility’s ice swimming hole in the 2024–2025 season is €25. The fee covers the winter maintenance costs of the ice swimming hole from 1 October 2024 to 30 April 2025.

You can pay by bank transfer to the City of Lappeenranta, account number: FI16 5620 0920 0036 95. In the bank transfer, enter “Avantouinti” and your name in the message field. Instruc ...

Visiting address

Myllysaarenpolku 34
53100 Lappeenranta

Service hours

Open 24 hours a day.

Other contact details

Telephone number

+358 406372715 
(local/mobile network fee)


Text edited by: City of Lappeenranta
Updated: 22/5/2024