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Responsible for the service City of Tampere

Messukylä Library

  • Service location

Messukylä's vibrant and pleasant library serves the residents, schools, day-care centres and care homes in the Ristinarkku area. The library is located in the same building as the Takahuhti lower secondary school.

The Messukylä Library has a quiet reading room that can be reserved for meetings. You can also book an exhibition space or an exhibition showcase at the library.

The library provides ...

Visiting address

Service hours

Self-service hours
Monday-Thursday 7.00–21.00
Friday-Saturday 7.00–18.00
Sunday 7.00–21.00
Service hours 1.6.-31.8.2024
Monday-Tuesday 11.00–19.00
Wednesday 11.00–16.00
Thursday 11.00–19.00
Friday 11.00–16.00

Other contact details

Telephone number

+358 408007839 
(local/mobile network fee)

Postal address

Hintsankatu 1
33560 Tampere


Text edited by: City of Tampere
Updated: 31/5/2024