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Responsible for the service Vantaa city

Martinlaakso Youth Centre

  • Service location

Martinlaakso Youth Centre is located on the premises of Martinlaakso School. The youth centre organises safe, fun and diverse activities for young people.

We have great facilities for ball games and a Subsoccer table and a ping-pong table. Young people aged 15 or older have access to our gym during the youth centre’s opening hours. At Martinlaakso, you can play video, board and card games, learn ...

Visiting address

Service hours

Monday 14.00–20.30
Thursday 14.00–20.30
Friday 15.00–20.30

Other contact details

Postal address

01030 Vantaan Kaupunki

Martinlaaksonpolku 4
01620 Vantaa


Text edited by: Vantaa city
Updated: 1/6/2024