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Responsible for the service City of Lappeenranta

Lauritsala sports centre

  • Service location

The Lauritsala sports centre has a running track suitable for athletics, as well as jumping and throwing stations. In addition to an athletics field, the sports centre has grass and artificial turf fields for football and throwing sports. The sports centre also has an outdoor gym, and outdoor tennis court, a beach volley court and an illuminated jogging trail lined with disc golf baskets. In winte ...

Visiting address

Service hours

Monday-Friday 7.00–21.30 and 8.00–20.45
Saturday-Sunday 8.00–20.45 and 10.00–18.00

Other contact details

Telephone number

Liikuntapaikkojen hoitajat
+358 407606142 
(local/mobile network fee)
+358 406372715 
(local/mobile network fee)


Text edited by: City of Lappeenranta
Updated: 21/11/2023