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Responsible for the service Town of Forssa

Forssa main library

  • Service location

Our services in main library: customer service, children's and adult's collections, magazines, computers and other peripherals, room for silent working, room's for digitizing, room for playing piano.

Visiting address

Wahreninkatu 4
30100 Forssa

Service hours

Self service time
Monday-Sunday 7.00–21.00
September-May (library is open with customer service)
Monday-Thursday 11.00–19.00
Friday 11.00–17.00
Saturday 10.00–14.00
June-August (library is open with customer service)
Monday-Thursday 11.00–19.00
Friday 11.00–17.00

Other contact details

Telephone number

Customer service
+358 341415405 
(free of charge)
+358 505641430 
(free of charge)

Postal address

PL 55
30101 Forssa

Text edited by: Town of Forssa
Updated: 25/9/2023