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Responsible for the service City of Kuopio

Council Office building

  • Service location

Customer Service is located in the main lobby of the Council Office building. General information is available, particularly on urban environment matters: building, town planning, traffic and parking. The Customer Service desk provides information on city services and tourist attractions in Finnish, English and Russian.

Visiting address

Service hours

Monday 8.00–15.30 and 8.00–15.30 and 8.00–16.00
Tuesday 8.00–15.00 and 8.00–15.30
Wednesday-Thursday 8.00–15.00 and 8.00–15.30 and 8.00–15.30
Friday 8.00–14.00 and 8.00–15.30

Exceptional service hours


Other contact details

Telephone number

Asiakaspalvelu, Customer service
+358 17185044 
(local/mobile network fee)
palvelu- ja matkailuneuvonta
+358 17182584 
(local/mobile network fee)

Postal address

Box 1097
70111 Kuopio

Accessibility information


Text edited by: City of Kuopio
Updated: 22/5/2024