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Responsible for the service Vantaa city

City of Vantaa Veterinary Services

  • Service location

The veterinary clinic of Vantaa provides basic care for ill small animals in Vantaa. We are open during the day on weekdays. We also offer out-of-hours services for urgent cases in the evenings, at night and on weekends. Our out-of-hours services are intended for the residents of Vantaa, Askola, Lapinjärvi, Loviisa, Pornainen, Porvoo and Sipoo.

Appointments on weekdays at 8.30–11.00.

On-call ser ...

Visiting address

Pakkalankuja 5, 1. krs
01510 Vantaa

Other contact details

Postal address

01030 Vantaan Kaupunki

PL 8801
01030 Vantaan Kaupunki


Text edited by: Vantaa city
Updated: 24/5/2024