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Service coordination for immigrants

  • Service
  • 27 municipalities
  • Public service

At social services for immigrants, you will receive counselling on actions and services promoting integration, as well as on working life. The social workers and the refugee mentor will give you counselling. When you first become a client, a preliminary interview and assessment of your service needs will be conducted.

The social services for immigrants will give you extensive counselling on vari ...

Do the following

Contact the social services in your own town of residence.

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To whom and on what terms

The service is free of charge.

Background information

Immigrants are offered guidance and counselling related to integration, health and social welfare services, housing, personal finance and livelihood, studying and work. The advisers explain what services are available, how they can be accessed and what the preconditions for using them are. They direct immigrants to all service providers.

Immigrants can get counselling for example on telephone or by visiting a service point. The advisers do not make decisions related to the services.

The service is provided by

The wellbeing services county of Southwest Finland

Responsible for the service

The wellbeing services county of Southwest Finland
Text edited by: The wellbeing services county of Southwest Finland
Updated: 20/2/2024