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Responsible for the service Finnish Patent and Registration Office

Register data on associations

  • Service
  • Nationwide
  • Public service

The Finnish Patent and Registration Office (PRH) maintains registers that provide information on associations, religious communities and organisations of commerce.

The data is available on the electronic information services maintained by PRH.

The Information Service of the Finnish Register of Associations contains the basic details of all registered Finnish associations. The service also incl ...

Do the following

You can search for the basic details of companies on the Information Service of the Finnish Register of Associations free of charge using the company’s name, business ID or some other search key. You can find an association’s business ID, name, place of business, the first and most recent dates of registration as well as information about the notification handling process.

From the service, you can also buy an electronic extract of the register or rules, which will be immediately available for you to use. You can buy rules that were registered in 2011 or later.

The service also contains basic information about former associations.

If you need extracts or rules of associations often, or data from the Register of Associations for different applications through an interface, sign a contract with PRH to use the service.

By submitting a form on PRH’s website, you can order documents from the Register of Associations to be sent to you by email or post.

For more information on the processing of personal data, please read the privacy statement of the Register of Associations on PRH’s website.

Information on all service channels is not available in your chosen language. Change the language of the site to receive information on service channels in other languages.

To whom and on what terms

The Information Service of the Finnish Register of Associations is available for everyone.

You can view basic information on the service for free. Extracts and rules from the Register of Associations are subject to a fee.

You can sign a contract with PRH to use the service. The service is subject to a fee. The application services are also subject to a fee and you need to sign a contract to use them.

You can use the company search at to find information on associations for free and without registration.

The basic details of a company registered in the Trade Register are free of charge on the Virre information service, but retrieving an extract from the Trade Register is subject to a fee.

Ordering documents from the Register of Associations is subject to a fee.

The service is provided by

Finnish Patent and Registration Office

Responsible for the service

Finnish Patent and Registration Office
Text edited by: Finnish Patent and Registration Office
Updated: 9/4/2021